Exploring Phenylephrine and Respiratory Health: A Pharmacist- Physician Conversation | NasoClenz | Pharmacy Podcast Network
Respiratory illness cases rapidly growing.Nasal congestion – many factors cause inflammation and result inmucus formation, bacteria, viruses. The nose is a filter – doing a hugejob. This is why cleaning and moisturizing the nose is so important.Pharmacists are leading healthcare – educating patients and being aresource for the communities they serve. Pharmacists are workingwith their communities to educate patients so that they can take holdof their self care.Physician and pharmacists perspective on what self care looks likeand how important it is to maintain a base line of health to helpprevent serious illness and disease from arising.The FDA’s recent decision to pull oral phenylephrine from shelves willhave a big impact, however, opens up the discussion of treating locallythrough nasal sprays to treat local symptoms.